Strange days in the world around us. I've likened it to feeling like we're preparing for a Hurricane that never seems to arrive. Hurricane Covid-19 feels maybe more destructive and devastating than any I've known before.
I found everything taken from me. I couldn't go to my art markets or festivals to earn money, then I couldn't go to my happy place (the local cemeteries) to just take photographs and feel a sense of ease and balance return. Every few days, it feels like new, more restrictive rules are put in place but the government isn't doing anything concrete to help us generate income and support ourselves and our families.
I've tried adjusting to each new change and moving outside the box I'd started to grow comfortable in. This is not a time to be comfortable. This is a time to question and reflect on the world we knew and the world we've lost.
I absolutely support the need for the social distancing and the self isolation (even though I absolutely hate it). I believe that we can survive this. I believe that if we stop and reflect every day on our new reality that we can make a sort of peace with it (don't get me wrong, I've had the almost daily battle with panic) but in my better moments, I know we're going to be OK.
I just picture myself on the other side of this. I picture myself walking through Greenwood Cemetery with a camera and a sense of discovery. I imagine myself on Royal Street, trying to decide if a coffee or a hurricane is the better choice. I picture myself at the Nest, standing under the Big Oak and soaking in a sense of complete peace and wonder.
I will do all these things when Hurricane Covid-19 has finally finished it's long assault on our walls. We will be OK. I truly believe this. I believe in you. I believe in us. We're going to be OK.
The storm will pass and we will remain.