Rainbow Octopus
Rainbow Alligator
Reginald Ragewart in the Kitchen
Reginald Ragewart Yells for Attention
Reginald Ragewart in his Living Room
Portrait of the Sun as Mata Hari
Our Lady of Roses
Night O'Clock
Mushroom Magic in the French Quarter
New Orleans: Lady of Toad
New Orleans Lady of Parasol
Mother to a Gator Child
Mata Hari - At the Beginning
Mata Hari: A Golden Goddess in the Temple
Mata Hari: Veil of Mystery
Mata Hari: A Kaleidoscope of Intrigue
Mata Hari: Green Goddess
Marie Laveau: Voodoo Queen of the French Quarter
Marie Laveau: Legacy of the Bayou
Marie Laveau: A Touch of Voodoo